Winner of Craft Weeks Obejct 2025


Kl. 5:00 PM–6:00 PM
6 Sep

Awarding the winner of the Craft Weeks Object 2025 competition.

Each year, crafts people from Bornholm are invited to participate in the competition for the Craft Weeks Object of the year. The competition aims to develop new proposals for a collectible item, which will be produced and sold the following year. The winner of the competition for the 2024 object was wood designer Jin Choi in collaboration with furniture maker Klaus Elkær with their stool made of Bornholm ash wood. The winner of the 2023 competition was Maj-Britt Zelmer Olsen with a glass bowl. This year, 10 works are in the competition and will be exhibited at the Bornholm Center for Crafts from June 16th, where the public can vote for the piece they think should win.

The following artisans are part of the competition:

Rikke Wulff, Christina Schou Christensen, Lisbeth Thorborg, May Bjørn Riis, Nynne Rosenkrantz, Annette Pihl Nielsen, Inkyong Lee, Mia Lerssi, Glød Glass Studio, Majbritt Zelmer Olsen.

The event is part of the official opening of Bornholm Craft Weeks 2024.


Grønbechs Gård 4, 3790 Hasle


Free admission