Mosaic workshop


Kl. 10:00 AM–1:00 PM
12 Sep 13 Sep

Join a 3-hour mosaic workshop in the magical universe of Containerjuvelen and explore your own artistic expression, under the encouragement and expert guidance of the artist Gitte Helle. No prior experience is required, and you will take your artwork home the same day. The mosaic is created from shards and recycled materials found in Gitte's treasure trove of reused items. During the creative process, you will also visit the smashing workshop.

The workshop is held in Containerjuvelen's workshop space next to the shop at Nansensgade 4. Gitte Helle is especially known for her surreal universe of beheaded royal porcelain figures. Humans, animals, arms, and legs playfully and humorously switch places, creating new surprising and thought-provoking figurines. Feel free to drop by the shop.

The workshop will take place on September 12th and 13th from 10 AM to 1 PM. Order tickets via e.mail: 

Follow Gitte Helle here


Nansensgade 4


475 DKK