Wild Clay Tour


Kl. 10:00 AM–5:00 PM
15 Sep


Agregaards Ceramic Center in Nyker offers a "Historic and Wild Clay Tour" on Bornholm. For the past 10 years, Anne Mette Hjortshøj, Jesper Larsen, and Iwami Shunsuki have been working on a rediscovery of local Bornholm ceramic materials in the Bornholm Wild Clay Research Project.

With Jesper and Iwami as guides on the tour to selected locations on the island, we will trace the footsteps of the BWCRP project, focusing on the Bornholm clay. Exploration will take place in 3 areas: Pyritsøen/Klinkefabrikken in Hasle Lystskov, Kaolinsøen/Snorrebakkesøen near the Green Ring in Rønne, and the south coast at Risegård. Back at the clay workshop at Agregård, Anne Mette and Iwami will delve into their work with Bornholm clay as ceramists.

Exploration possibilities will depend on the group's hiking abilities, the weather, and whether we travel by bus or car. The tour starts and ends at Agregård. The island tour is from 10:00 to 16:30, and we will be at Agregaards clay workshop from 16:30 to 17:00. We are happy to stay later than 17:00 if there are many questions.

Please bring a packed lunch and possibly coffee, etc.

Price 500 DKK pr. person. Book tickets at e-mail: amettehjortshoj@hotmail.com 

Follow Anne Mette Hjortshøj on Instagram 


Aabyvej 4, 3700 Rønne, Danmark


500 DKK pr. person